2024: 3rd of 8 - White (A.L.P.A.C.A. Fleece Show / Judge Barbara Heatherington)
2023: 3rd of 3 - White (Agribition Fleece Show / Judge Frauke Berman)
2023: 4th of 7 - White (A.L.P.A.C.A. Fleece Show / Judge Laurel Shouvlin)
2023: 4th of 8 - White (Western Canada Alpaca Championship Fleece Show / Judge Stephanie Glyptis)
2022: Grand Champion White (Rockton Alpaca Show / Judge Cathy Merkley)
2022: 3rd of 5 - Walking Fleece (Rockton Alpace Show / Judge Cathy Merkley)
2022: 1st of 4 - White Yearling (Rockton Alpaca Show / Judge Cathy Merkley)
2022: 4th - White Yearling (Navan Alpaca Show / Judge Kevin O'Leary)
2022: 3rd of 6 - White Juvenile (Alpaca Quebec Show / Judge Wade Gease)